

🚨 Join us - we're hiring! 🚨

04 August 2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

We are recruiting a new team member to lead on new field-based experiments on social support and fatigue in physical activity. This post would suit a postdoctoral researcher with interdisciplinary experience and interests in physiology, psychology and sociality within a broad evolutionary-developmental perspective.

See here for more details. 




jsmf uhc


18 September 2020

JSMF Research Award

Emma Cohen receives 250,000 USD in research funding from the James S. McDonnell Foundation (Understanding Human Cognition Opportunity Award programme). The research will investigate effects of perceived social support on fatigue in physical activity. The research aims to examine fatigue, a crucial mechanism of homeostatic regulation, within social, developmental and evolutionary context.

See here for more info.



12 February 2020


Emma Cohen joins the 2020 Faculty of the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute. DISI will be held at University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK from June 28 until July 18. 




15 January 2020

Torch funding awarded

Bahar Tunçgenç and Emma Cohen are awarded a Torch Theatres Seed Fund to carry out a collaborative project with Body Politic. The research will explore effects of a school-based dance programme on young people's mental wellbeing. 






15 December 2019

Fell Fund award

Emma Cohen receives an award from the John Fell Fund to support research with Josh Bamford on synchrony, processing fluency and social bonding.